The FLS Laparoscopic Trainer System is a device for surgical residents and practicing surgeons that facilitates the development of psychomotor skills and dexterity required during the performance of basic laparoscopic surgery.
The FLS Trainer includes a set of accessories used to simulate specific surgical techniques that have been validated by Dr. Gerald Fried through the MISTELS Program at McGill University.
The Committee overseeing the FLS Program, a joint educational program of the Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) and The American College of Surgeons (ACS) has granted exclusive rights for the manufacture and sale of the FLS Training Simulator (Trainer Box) and associated accessories and supplies to Limbs & Things, Inc. (LTI), a medical training simulation firm, effective May 1, 2015.
The updated version of the FLS Trainer Box supplied by LTI is designed to suit the individual needs of the training center and trainee. All new task accessories and supplies will be comparable to older FLS products being used and compatible with the previous FLS systems. While the new products will feature an updated look and refinements, the basic parameters affecting the skills training and performance will remain. FLS products from LTI are available at